Nearly there, just over a month to go to launch my new solo Cd. I’ll be able to post all the details in the next few days of launches that will be in June.
The first launch will be in Kelly’s Bar on the 14th of June, then on the 15th June it’ll be in the Model Arts Centre in Sligo. Also in the Model I’ll be running guitar workshops that day. The next weekend is the Body and Soul Festival and then I’m performing in Ennistymon in the Court House Gallery.
In July I’ll be in the Town House on the 5th and Cairdre Festival on the 9th before heading to Poland for the Suwalki Blues festival on the 13th.
So good after putting all the work in on the album over the winter to be moving out into the outside world again.
have you got any snippets or teasers on soundcloud or youtube?